BF Suma started in Haman Province (Hong kong) 1993 as a pharmaceutical manufacture, manufacturing bone and Cartilage conventional Drugs. Due to its Supper  unique manufacturing it expanded and started manufacturing health products in Los Angeles U.S.A.

Bf Suma Factory in Los Angeles USA

In the year 2000, BF Suma was awarded G.M P (Good Manufacturing Practice) certificate by F.D.A (Food &. Drugs Administration) to manufacture health products. 

In 2004 the company extended its market to Africa through Benin as a Multilevel Company; in 2005 Nigeria, and later Cameroon came in. Then On 4th October 2010, BF Suma ventured into the Kenyan Market, where it was awarded KEBS certification for its high quality health products that guarantee the best efficacy.

BF SUMA have achieved this through use of modern state-of-the art technology to manufacture its high quality products. This makes BF SUMA the best selling Company in the World.

State-of-the Technology used by BF SUMA health products are:

  •  Ammo acid Chelation Technology.
  • Nano Transderm Technology
  • Macro Poros Absorption Technology
  • Combined cryo enzyme/Dual micronization Technologe
  • Membrane Technology

BF SUMA produces products that enhances a balanced body system through combination of Eastern and Western health principals. BF Suma believes in a holistica in promoting good health and well being. The products are based on Chinese and American approach to health from Cardiovascular, Bone and cartilage, immune booster and anti-aging, mental physical and sexual health, Digestive, personal care and skin care products.

BF Suma products are in different categories but all work together to provide optimal health to human beings. W.H.O. describes health as “a state of complete physical mental social well being, and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity.

Wellness is an approach to health that emphasizes the prevention of illness and prolonging of life as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases”

BF SUMA stands for: Bright future Super Unique Manufacturer of America. 

In Zambia we are Bf Suma Distributors helping in selling Health medicine 💊  (supplements).

In Bf Suma Pharmacy we also promote a Business well known as: Network Marketing in order to achieve well being in Health and Wealth management. We don't only provide treatment to health problem but also offering business and earn more profit from Bf Suma Health products.

Join Bf Suma Company now as a Distributor and enjoy your living. Just click on WhatsApp button below to chat with Bf Suma members. Distance doesn't matter, we are almost everywhere.



√ Skin Care Products

Stretch Mark Cream

√ Bone & Cartilage Products

ZamoniCal™ Capsules
ArthroStreth™ Tablets
GluzoJoint-F™ Capsules
ArthroXtra™ Tablets
Dr Cow Calcium Milk Candy

√ Immune Boosters

4-in-1 Reishi Coffee
4-in-1 Ginseng Coffee 2
4-in-1 Cordyceps Coffee 2
Pure & Broken Ganoderma Spores
Refined Yunzhi Essence

√ Sexual Products

X power Man Coffee
NMN Capsules
NMN Coffee
ProstatRelax™ Capsules
X Power Man Capsules

√ Digestive Products

ConstiRelax™ Oral Solution
AntiDiarr Pills
Novel Depile™ Capsules

√ Personal Care Products

Anatic™ Herbal Essence Soap
Invisible Day Napkins
Invisible Day Napkins
Invisible Night Napkins
Invisible Night Napkins
Invisible Slip Napkins
Invisible Slip Napkins

√ Cardiovascular Products

MicrO2 Cycle™ Tablets
GluGoGone™ Capsules
Luobuma Tea

√ Slim Products

Xlim Constant Coffee
Xlim Express Coffee
Xlim Express Capsules

We have solution to your Health problem.
Click on WhatsApp button below to talk to Doctor or Contact us on:

Lusaka, Zambia.


Pure & Broken Ganoderma Spores
1.100% shell broken hence easier to absorb and 45% easier to absorb
2. Improve physical health
3. Boost the immune system
4 Reduce side effects from chemotherapy e.g. hair loss
5. Raise appetite
6. Improve blood circulation to the colony artery
7. Prevent atherosclerosis and heart problems
8. Balance blood sugar level
9. Cure neural system problems
10. Endocrine system
11. Respiratory system
12. Locomotory (White blood cell multiplication) 13 Anti - tumor
14. Improve skin conditions
15. Good for allergy due to lanostan which blocks histamme
16. Anti- inflammatory
17. Protects the liver and normalize the liver
18. Strong ant-viral, anti- parasite,
19. Strong anti-viral, anti-parasite, anti-fungal and anti- bacterial
20. Lowers blood pressure
21. Lowers blood sugar
22. Strong anti-oxidant
23. Fights insomnia
24. Good for fatigue
25 Enhance metabolism
26. Raises CD4 counts in the blood thus very good for HIV/AIDS
27. Anti-diabetics
28. Clears blood clots
29. Detoxifies the blood
30. It is analgesic relieves pain
31. Reactivates body energy and prolong healthy life
32. Good for chJonic ulcers
33. Vomiting
34. Good for any Anti-immune Disease e.g. Psoriasis
35. Good for Anemia
36. Suitable for any chronic condition

Refined Yunzhi Essence
1. Enhance immunity system
2. Improve energy and vitality
3. Enhance appetite and reduce illness
4. Increase the white blood cell and lymphocytes
5. Reduce chemotherapy side effect
6. Reduce pain during episode of serious immune challenge
7. Strong cancer treatment
8. Due to polysaccharide enhances cells growth
9. Good for malignant melanoma, metastatic cerebroma lung carcinoma, malignant lymphoma, 
leukemia, esophagus carcinoma, mammary carcinoma and uterus carcinoma etc. more than 40 cancers.
10. Raises female libido and enhance orgasm
11. It is an anri-dysmenorrheal - cleanses and avoids painful or difficult menstruation.
12. Good for rheumatism
13. It maintains the strength and elasticity of the skin
14. And -aging
15. Strengthens the blood vessels
16. It is a post partum medication to help contract the birth canal
17. Regulates menstrual cycle
18. Improves blood circulation
19. Relieves excessive white discharge
20. Very good for candiasis
21. It fights hormonal imbalance thus very good for 
 menopausal syndromes
22. Good for dizziness
23. Regulates body temperatures
24. Prevents and cure gynecological problems 
 e.g. fibroids cysts etc
25. Multiplies white blood cells

4 in 1 Reishi Coffee 
1. Boosts Immunity System
2. Promotes self healing.
3. Refreshes the brain and energizes the body.
4. Reduces arousal and thus improve mental alertness.
5. Prolongs sleeping time.
6. Prevents allergy due to lanostan which blocks histamine.
7. Prevents virus infection. Good for H1V and influenza.
8. Prevents formation of blood clots.
9. Reduces uric acid.
10. Prevents viral infection of the liver (Hepatitis).
11. Good for kidney problems.
12. Strengthens the digestive system.
13. Strengthens the heart muscles.
14. Good for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, acne, etc
15. Stimulates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells.
16. Improves sinusitis.
17. Good for hormonal imbalance.
18. Good for respiratory problems .e.g. pneumonia

4 in 1 Ginseng Coffee 
1. Boosts immunity System
2. Delays senility.
3. Protects immune system.
4. Improves menial alertness.
5. Reduces arousal, thus, improves mental alertness.
6. Boosts vitality mid longevity.
7. Induces strong sexual activity in both sexes.
8. Relieves mental and physical fatigue. 
9. Nourishes bowels. 
10 Strengthens the resistance to environmental stress.
11. Resistance of cancer.
12. It inhibits the multiplication and transfer of cancer cells.
13. Reduces the morbidity of cancers.
14. Balances cells.
15 Promotes wound healing after operation.
16. Good for arthritis and rheumatic paths.
17. Osteoporosis and osteophyte.
18. Leukemia.
19. Vitality.
20. Treats headaches.
21. Reverses stroke.
22. Good for menopausal syndromes.
23. Enhances kidney, lung, heart and liver function.
24. Enhances fertility

4 in 1 Cordyceps Coffee 
1. Increase immunity
2. Improve the conditions to the lung spleen, Kidney, heart and 
3. Anti-aging
4. Delaying senility
5. Improve mental alertness
6. Reduce arousal and thus improve mental alertness
7. Regulates reproductive function
8. Regulates respiratory system
9. Enhance the strength of the body energy factory- chodrosome
10. Promote cold resistant capability and alleviate fatigue 
11. Improve hypoxia- resistant capability of heart
12. Lower heart oxygen consumption thus prevents cardiac 
13. Dilate bronchus
14. Relieve asthma
15. Eliminate phlegm
16. Prevent emphysema

√ Bone & Cartilage Products

ZaminoCal Plus Capsules

1. Enhance absorption of calcium and Zinc to over 90%
2. Maintain healthy bones & teeth
3. Prevent and improve osteoporosis
4. Suitable for minor, teenage, lactating woman and elderly
5. It prevents night blindness and improves eyesight
6 Corrects altered, small and taste and sensitivity
7. Prevent Goiter
8. Prevents and reverse importance
9. Promote tissue repair & growth
10. Enhance weak libido in both men and women
11. Enhance proper development of sexual organs
12. Slows down the aging process
13. It improves the immune system
14. It prevents respiratory and lung related diseases
15. It acts as a pain killer
16. If. reduces tiredness and stress
17. Rick in natural colleges which nourishes the skin.
18. It prevents and treats rheumatoid arthritis
19. It provides healthy nervous system and prevent depression and other mood disorders.
20. Improves lymph circulation
21. It treats and prevents Alzheimer and heart disorder.
22. It heals and strengthens the muscular, cartilage and nerve tissues.
23. It assists the internal regulation of blood glucose level
24. It supports die production of bad bacteria in the intestinal tract.
25. Prevents and treats cancer
26 Helps pregnant mothers to deliver quickly and without excess pain helps quick healing of 
 women in reproduction system after delivery 
27. Normalize sleep & regular heart beat
28. Improves alertness and concentration
29. Powerful antioxidant 
30, Fight infection bacteria or virus

ArthroXtra Tablets 
1. Make and repair joint cartilage
2. Reduce pain symptoms of osteoarthritis and further deterioration
3. Improve the ability of joint movement
4. It provides structure and nutrients
5. Keeps joint lubricate and normalize joint metabolism
6. Promote strong and elastic protective tissue
7. Promote the production of synovial fluid and reduce joint friction
8. Alleware such symptoms as swelling stiffness and numbness
9. Prevent osteoarthritis
10. Prevent age related arthritis e.g. from 85 to 50 years where arthritis 
is prone and .above 50 years. 
11. Decrease abrasion of articular cartilage
12. Promote repair of degenerated cartilage
13. Relieves low back pains, joint pain
14 Good for pertartruns of shoulder for middle aged people.
15. Due to per arthritis of shoulder for middle aged people
16. Due to mucopolysaccharide mineral composition can be rapidly 
 absorbed and activated by the body cells
17. Low-terms consumption keeps body strong
18 It's rich in collagen protein, calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc and other mineral elements.
19 Good for climacteric women

GluzoJoint-F Capsules
1. Make and repair joint cartilage
2. Reduce pain symptoms of osteoarthritis
3. Improve the condition of joint cartilage
4. Support the natural ability to regenerate cartilage
5. Help to rebuild cartilage and lubricate joints
6. Alleviate the joint discomfort and increase
7. Help to maintain healthy articular cartilage
8. Good for joints in the wrist, ankle, kneels, neck
9. Nourishes joints

Dr Cow(Calcium Milk Candy)
1. Increase resistance and immunity
2. Relieve malnutrition symptoms like growth retardation for juvenile, sweating and bed-wetting
3. Good for elderly/pregnant woman, lactating and menopausal women
4. Calcium deficiency which causes fractures, dysphasia and osteoporosis
5. Strengthens bones, muscles, nerves and cartilage contraction
6. Strengthens skeleton
7. Promote growth of teeth and prevent calcium loss
8. Supplement protein
9. Regulate normal function of heart, nerves, muscle and blood vessel
10. It enhances immunity.
11. Prevents migraine and bad breath.
12. Improves blood circulation.
13 Regulates blood pressure.
14. Helps in blood clotting.
15 Helps in burning fat.
16. Suitable for gastric and colon ulcers.
17. It's an alkaline, thus, it neutralizes acid in the body
18. Enhances respiratory system.
19. Contains immunogenic properties that can reduce allergic 
 reaction on babies. 
20 Insomnia. 
21. Lumbago.
22 Loss of memory.
23 Arthritis.
24 General fatigue. 
25. Kidney stones. 
26 Dental problems.


√ Sexual Products

Xpower Man Plus Capsules

1. Relieves fatigue and exhaustion
2. Relieves stress and mild depression
3. It reduces excess blood sugar
4. It reduces cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.
5. Treat and prevent cancer and Tumor
6. Treats insomnia
7. Treats headaches
8. Improves the entire functioning of the body system
9. Provide healthy nervous system and very effective on mental attitude
10. It improves the vitality (masculine sexual power and strength)
11. It enhances kidneys, lungs, heart, and liver functions)
12. Anti hypotensive (fights low blood pressure)
13. It stabilizes appetite by improving food assimilation and digestion particularly 
 that of starches, sugars and it prevents undue accumulation of fatty deposits in the artery walls.
14. Provides mental clarity
15. It stabilizes the heart beat
16. Improves memory
17. Good for edema
18. Improves blood circulation thus prevent artery clogging and 
19. Fights memory loss, Alzheimer's, and senile dementia.
20. Strong antioxidant
21. Prevents male impotence and erectile dysfunction
22. It builds stamina thus good for athletic performance
23. It improves sexual desires (aphrodisiac)
24. It improves the memory.
25. Improve muscle tone in the stomach, the intestines and the 
 heart muscle
26. Hepato protective

ProstatRelax Capsules 

1. Prevent prostate enlargement by antagonizing P.E.R receptor
2. Reduce various urinary symptoms such as frequent urinations, Urinary urgency and urinary dribbling
3. Maintain balance of the entire uro-genital system and reduce urinary dysfunction
4. Maintain healthy prostate
5. Enhance sexual performance
6. Polysaccharide improves urinary symptoms
7. Promotes reproductive health through immune modulation
8. Powerful antioxidant and anti-aging effect inhibit and eliminate free radicals
9. Prevents the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) DHT is the 
 main cause of prostate enlargement
10. It Reduces enlargement of prostrate gland (hypertrophy or hyperplasia) known 
 medically as benign prostratic hyperplasia (BPIT)
11. It boosts immunity
12. Recommendable to every man with 45years and above to stop your prostrate 
from growing bigger as you grow older.
13. Alleviate urge to urinate and inability to urinate or dribbling of urine
14. Good for impotence and sexual dysfunction
15. Reduces nocturia by strengthening the neck of the bladder
16. It treats inflamations of the prostate gland (Prostatics)
17. It kills bacteria, thus prevent urinary tract infections
18. It blocks some effect of testosterone thus reduce hair loss in men.
19. Good for male impotence
20. Good for strong and harder erection
21 Alleviate pain or stiffness in lower back, hip or upper thighs

XPower Coffee

*Enhance sex drive 
*Relieves fatigue, stress and promotes erection
*Improves sexual performance
*Nourishes the prostate
*Promotes normal blood circulation
*Improves health and vitality

Feminergy Capsules

*Improves Blood Flow
*Reduces Oxidative Damage
*Improves Collagen and Bone Strength
*Supports Your Brain as It Ages

 Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

NMN Coffee 


√ Digestive Products


√ Cardiovascular Products


√ Skin Care Products


√ Personal Care Products


√ Slim Products



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